Perpetuity’s Itinerants
17 October - 21 October, 2019
MIT Award, Taipei, Taiwan
17 October - 21 October, 2019
17 October - 21 October, 2019
MIT Award, Taipei, Taiwan
17 October - 21 October, 2019
In 2019, New Horizons sent back a photo of the boundaries of the solar system, the image of a black hole was revealed for the very first time, a rocket by SpaceX carried Taiwan’s satellite, FORMOSAT-7, into outer space, and plans to return to the Moon were announced. As inevitable results of scientific and technological progress, these milestones of space exploration seem to unite people all over the world in a shared sense of progress.
Yet in history, four fatal spaceflights, two by the Soviet Union and two by the U.S., resulted in the deaths of 18 astronauts. The missions were driven by political, social, and technological triggers and were doomed for similar reasons—the political pressure within Soyuz 1, the technical accident of Soyuz 11, and the bureaucracies that exacerbated the disasters of STS-51-L and STS-107. Nevertheless, fading away en route to the universe might be the purest way to return to it. Perhaps the stars are not a new frontier, but an ancestral home, a place of origin. "Perpetuity’s Itinerants" (2019) presents 18 portraits of the deceased astronauts and a steel sculpture of a paper plane. "STS-51-L & STS-107" (2019) collages launch images from NASA’s space shuttle program, with the two fatal missions—STS-51-L and STS-107—on top and the other successful missions below, creating two surreal launches. "Soyuz 1 & Soyuz 11" (2019) displays newspapers reporting the spaceflights from 1967 and 1971, with multiple meteor fragments composing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars" on the Soviet newspaper Pravda. Meanwhile, "Lane 21, Yunong Road" (2019) measures the walking distance between the edge of the solar system and the artist's home. |
2019年,新視野號(New Horizon)傳回了太陽系邊界的影像、人類一探黑洞的樣貌、Space X的火箭乘載著台灣衛星福衛七號升空、一些航太單位宣佈了重返月球的計畫。如此科技進步的必然結果看似人類邁向宇宙的里程碑,凝聚了全球人們的共同喜悅。
然而航太任務並不總是如此。回看歷史,共有18位宇航員在執行宇航任務時罹難,計有蘇聯2次任務以及美國2次任務。這些任務因當時的政治環境、社會期待、科技發展而促成,但也因相同原因失敗:蘇聯的Soyuz 1因喜功而失敗、Soyuz 11發生了意外事故、美國NASA兩次失敗的太空船任務STS-51-L與STS-107因官僚體制而使事態走向毀滅。 在昂首邁向宇宙的路上消逝,也許是生命回歸宇宙的最純粹方式。人類不斷拓展的星際邊疆,其實就是我們恆久的起源之處。 《願你續航》由與展覽同名的裝置作品〈願你續航〉(2019)、影像拼貼作品〈STS-51-L & STS-107〉(2019)、及複合媒材〈Soyuz 1 & Soyuz 11〉(2019)組成:〈願你續航〉由18位人類歷史上因太空任務而直接殉職的宇航員肖像與金屬紙飛機雕塑構成;〈STS-51-L & STS-107〉拼貼了NASA的太空梭計劃發射影像,唯二的兩次事故—STS-51-L與STS-107—由其他成功任務影像堆疊成了兩次超現實的發射任務;〈Soyuz 1 & Soyuz 11〉收集了1967年與1971年蘇聯報導兩次太空任務的真理報,而頭版以隕石碎片編排兒歌《一閃一閃亮晶晶》的樂譜音符;同時,錄像〈雨農路21巷〉(2019)量測了步行到太陽系邊界的距離。 |
LAN Chung-Hsuan
Perpetuity's Itinerants 願你續航, 2019
Archival inkjet print
42 x 29.7 cm each
Perpetuity's Itinerants 願你續航, 2019
Archival inkjet print
42 x 29.7 cm each
LAN Chung-Hsuan
Perpetuity's Itinerants 願你續航, 2019
Stainless steel
140 x 83 x 20 cm
Perpetuity's Itinerants 願你續航, 2019
Stainless steel
140 x 83 x 20 cm
LAN Chung-Hsuan
STS-51-L & STS-107, 2019
Archival inkjet print
168 x 48 cm x 2
STS-51-L & STS-107, 2019
Archival inkjet print
168 x 48 cm x 2
LAN Chung-Hsuan
Soyuz 1 & Soyuz 11, 2019
Pravda newspaper, Pravda newspaper, meteor meteorites, aluminum
60.5 x 44 cm x 2
Soyuz 1 & Soyuz 11, 2019
Pravda newspaper, Pravda newspaper, meteor meteorites, aluminum
60.5 x 44 cm x 2
LAN Chung-Hsuan
Lane 21, Yunong Road, 2019
06 m 48 s
Lane 21, Yunong Road, 2019
06 m 48 s
Lan Chung-Hsuan: Perpetuity's Itinerants, Chiang Ying-Chien, CANS Asia Art News, November 2019 (Chinese)
藍仲軒:願你續航, 姜盈謙,CANS Asia Art News 亞洲藝術新聞,November 2019 (中文)
藍仲軒:願你續航, 姜盈謙,CANS Asia Art News 亞洲藝術新聞,November 2019 (中文)