PIXELVERSE: LG OLED evo X LIU Cheng-hsiang
22 August, 2023
Taipei, Taiwan
像素未來:LG OLED evo X 劉呈祥
22 August, 2023
22 August, 2023
Taipei, Taiwan
像素未來:LG OLED evo X 劉呈祥
22 August, 2023
In 1977, the United States' National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched the space probe Voyager 1. It is the farthest-traveling artificial spacecraft in history, having exited our solar system and is now endlessly journeying into deep space. During this nearly forty-six-year voyage, Voyager 1 witnessed Jupiter, Saturn, and the vast expanse of stars. It transmitted astonishing views of space back to Earth through signals, allowing us to glimpse the vastness and mysteries of the universe.
Artist LIU Cheng-hsiang's generative art resonates with the signals of Voyager 1—a deconstruction and subsequent pixel-based reconstruction of the cosmos. Unlike the clear images returned by Voyager 1, LIU Cheng-hsiang's videos and visual works present abstract phantoms that break the dimensions of time and space. They depict bright blue planets, the collision of two life forms, stellar explosions, beginnings, and endings—all the unknown possibilities of the universe. These creations transcend language and symbols, becoming a form of meditative abstract signals that bloom within us, regardless of our origins. Utilizing artificial intelligence art to reflect on existence, employing big data to express certain situations, and generating objective recommendations through automated machinery or programs—the purpose of technology becomes increasingly pronounced in the contemporary convergence of technology and art. Yet, within this realm, a critical paradox exists, stemming from human feigned absence or active intervention. Between these extremes, LIU Cheng-hsiang's works find their footing in a romantic equilibrium, ingeniously incorporating the fine pixels of LG OLED TV (a medium with self-emitting pixels) to seamlessly harmonize with his particle-like generative works. One can imagine that when extraterrestrial civilizations discover the Voyager Golden Records aboard Voyager 1, how will they receive the music, languages, sounds, and encrypted images from Earth's surface? Perhaps each of LIU Cheng-hsiang's creations is akin to a golden record. These golden records have reached the edges of interstellar space, pixelating the distant cosmos, and transmitting back to Earth... Welcome to the Pixelverse. |
1977年,美國國家航空暨太空總署發射了太空探測器航海家一號(Voyager 1)。它是史上飛行最遠的人造飛行器,已經離開了我們的太陽系,此時也正無盡地向深空中飛去。在這將近四十六年的飛行旅途中,航海家一號看見了木星、土星以及無垠的星空。它將驚人的太空景色以訊號傳回地球,我們才得以一睹宇宙的曠闊與神秘。
藝術家劉呈祥的生成藝術與航海家一號的訊號有著相似的共鳴-宇宙先是被解構,再以像素重新建構。然而與航海家一號送回的清晰照片不同,劉呈祥的錄像與平面作品呈現了打破時空維度的抽象幻影,是亮藍色的行星、是兩個生命體的碰撞、是恆星爆炸、是一切的初始與結束,如同宇宙中未知的所有可能性。這些作品亦超越了語言與符號,成為了一種冥想式的抽象信號,在我們的體內-無論我們來自何方-盡情綻放。 使用人工智慧藝術來反思存在、採樣大數據以表達某種情況、透過自動化機械或程式來製造客觀的建議,科技的目的性在科技藝術齊發的當代越發強烈,而其中的批判性都存在著一種不和諧的弔詭,來自人的假裝缺席或積極介入。在兩種極端之間,劉呈祥的作品成功立足在了浪漫的平衡點,完整地運用了LG OLED電視的細緻像素(該載體具有自體發光像素的科技),巧妙地將粒子狀的生成作品與之相容。 我們可以想像,當外星文明發現航海家一號中的金唱片(Voyager Golden Records)時,他們將如何接收這些來自地球的音樂、語言、聲音以及刻在表面的加密圖案呢?也許,劉呈祥的每一件作品都是一張金唱片。這些金唱片到達了星際邊界,像素化了遙遠的宇宙,回傳到了地球... Welcome to the Pixelverse. |