The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You
15 April - 31 May, 2023
Avocado Art Lab, Taipei, Taiwan
Chang Yu
LAN Chung-Hsuan
Liam Morgan
Curator: Sean Gaffney
The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You
15 April - 31 May, 2023
Avocado Art Lab,台北,台灣
15 April - 31 May, 2023
Avocado Art Lab, Taipei, Taiwan
Chang Yu
LAN Chung-Hsuan
Liam Morgan
Curator: Sean Gaffney
The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You
15 April - 31 May, 2023
Avocado Art Lab,台北,台灣
“The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You”, presented at Avocado Art Lab in Taipei, Taiwan, from April 15th to May 31st, 2023, presents a complex and nuanced view of life and death, highlighting the challenges and beauty of the human experience and its memory. These themes serve as a unifying thread that invites viewers to reflect on their own mortality and spirituality, and the role of art in capturing and expressing the human condition through the varied photographic works of Chang Yu, Lan Chung Hsuan, and Liam Morgan.
The phrase "the kingdom of heaven is within you" is a translation of a biblical quote attributed to Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke 17:21. The phrase is often interpreted as a call to seek God's presence within oneself, rather than looking for it in external things or places. It suggests that the kingdom of God, or the divine realm, is not a physical place or a material reward, but a state of being that can be accessed through one's inner spiritual nature. In this sense, the phrase encourages self-reflection, introspection, and personal growth as a means to connect with the divine. It suggests that one does not need to seek external validation or authority to access the kingdom of heaven, but rather that it is a part of each person's inner being.
The interpretation of the phrase and title can vary depending on one's religious or philosophical beliefs, but it conveys the idea that spirituality and the divine can be found within oneself, rather than solely in external religious institutions or practices. In beatific interpretations of a deathly rest and repose, in glowing momuments of the short comings of fleeting politcal regimes, or in the portraits of hard scrabble lives lived in rough trade, “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You” offers viewers new categories and perspectives through which life and death can be interpreted through photography.
《The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You》探索人對於生命和死亡的細微而複雜的關係,點出生活經驗、記憶中的考驗與美麗。串連起這些議題作為主軸,透過藝術家張鈺、藍仲軒以及利安・摩根(Liam Morgan)的攝影作品,邀請觀者反思自身的必朽性和精神性。
根據聖經馬太福音第17章21節,「The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You」是耶穌親自傳講的一句話。意指我們應往內心中找尋神的存在,而非求助於外界;「天國」這個觀念並不是個實際存在的空間,而是可以透過自身靈性和信仰達到的狀態。這句話是鼓勵我們反省、反思,並透過自我成長去探索神性,不需要外在的權威或肯定才能達到,「神之國度」一直都存在我們心中。
這句聖經引言的解讀可因應個人宗教或哲學信念而微調,但不變的核心概念是「精神性與神性是來自於內在」,而不能被宗教團體或組織所定義。無論是我們嘗試美化的死亡長眠,或在有限政治生命下碩果僅存的紀念碑,或是在底層生活人們的側寫,《The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You》試圖提供觀者一種新的視角、新的可能性,透過攝影再次解讀生命與死亡的意義。
The phrase "the kingdom of heaven is within you" is a translation of a biblical quote attributed to Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke 17:21. The phrase is often interpreted as a call to seek God's presence within oneself, rather than looking for it in external things or places. It suggests that the kingdom of God, or the divine realm, is not a physical place or a material reward, but a state of being that can be accessed through one's inner spiritual nature. In this sense, the phrase encourages self-reflection, introspection, and personal growth as a means to connect with the divine. It suggests that one does not need to seek external validation or authority to access the kingdom of heaven, but rather that it is a part of each person's inner being.
The interpretation of the phrase and title can vary depending on one's religious or philosophical beliefs, but it conveys the idea that spirituality and the divine can be found within oneself, rather than solely in external religious institutions or practices. In beatific interpretations of a deathly rest and repose, in glowing momuments of the short comings of fleeting politcal regimes, or in the portraits of hard scrabble lives lived in rough trade, “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You” offers viewers new categories and perspectives through which life and death can be interpreted through photography.
《The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You》探索人對於生命和死亡的細微而複雜的關係,點出生活經驗、記憶中的考驗與美麗。串連起這些議題作為主軸,透過藝術家張鈺、藍仲軒以及利安・摩根(Liam Morgan)的攝影作品,邀請觀者反思自身的必朽性和精神性。
根據聖經馬太福音第17章21節,「The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You」是耶穌親自傳講的一句話。意指我們應往內心中找尋神的存在,而非求助於外界;「天國」這個觀念並不是個實際存在的空間,而是可以透過自身靈性和信仰達到的狀態。這句話是鼓勵我們反省、反思,並透過自我成長去探索神性,不需要外在的權威或肯定才能達到,「神之國度」一直都存在我們心中。
這句聖經引言的解讀可因應個人宗教或哲學信念而微調,但不變的核心概念是「精神性與神性是來自於內在」,而不能被宗教團體或組織所定義。無論是我們嘗試美化的死亡長眠,或在有限政治生命下碩果僅存的紀念碑,或是在底層生活人們的側寫,《The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You》試圖提供觀者一種新的視角、新的可能性,透過攝影再次解讀生命與死亡的意義。
LAN Chung-Hsuan
Dielusion, 2018
Archival inkjet print
53 x 80 cm each
Dielusion, 2018
Archival inkjet print
53 x 80 cm each
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